
Debate Leagues

The National Debate Community

As you may already know, there are several types of debate practiced and taught throughout the United States. Traditionally, individual debaters participate in a “debate league” which is a localized community driven by a group of debate coaches from various schools that come together multiple times a year for debate tournaments. These leagues are supported by a parent organization that provides the debate rules, format, and other resources.

Theres just one major problem. These parent organizations are all for profit companies that are not involved in the day to day or give any voice to these smaller debate leagues. As a result, the debate community has remained stagnant and disorganized. Students who practice debate in one league will find rules that are different from another league. This makes it difficult to bring leagues together for a national tournament and even if there is one, the judges are all judging on different criteria and paradigms. 

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The Future of Debate

NextGen Debate (NGD) is here to challenge the status quo, modernize debate, and bring the community closer together. NGD is a nonprofit organization who set out to create our own debate resources from the ground up and we are here to share them will other debate leagues… completely free. 

We do this by giving a voice to every debate league participating in the NGD program. League administrators act as representatives in leadership meetings, advocate for changes, and work together to update resources available to everyone. 

Our website is our secret to bringing this community together. By digitizing registration we are making it easier for new coaches and students to sign up as well as remaining connected throughout the year. There is so much to brag about our website but I’ll stop at saying our online judges program has made a MASSIVE improvement in the overall debate experience. Not only is it more convenient for volunteers to get certified but they are all being taught and tested on the exact same thing.  

Call To Action

Pre existing debate leagues should stop paying for profit parent organizations and instead, sign up for free with NextGen Debate. Use the extra funding to generate more and better opportunities for debaters in your league. 

If you are a school representative that would like to bring debate into your community but are not already part of a league, you can and should still register with NGD. We can help you find or start a new league to participate in. 

At the end of the day, our mission is to get as many teachers and students involved with debate as possible and make these opportunities available to everyone completely free. But we need your help to do that.